TDEE Calculator - How Many Calories Do I Burn? (2024)

TDEE Calculator









Body Metrics



Body Mass Index



Body Fat %

Body Fat Percentage




Total Daily Energy Expenditure




Basal Metabolic Rate


Daily Goals


Calorie Deficit

Cutting Calories for Weight Loss



Calorie Intake

Food Calorie Goal per Day




Carbs, Protein and Fat


Calories Today


Active Burn

Calorie Burn from Activities



Resting Burn

Calorie Burn Rest of the Day



Total Burn

Active + Resting Calories



Food Goal

Total Burn - Calorie Deficit


TDEE Calculator - How Many Calories Do I Burn? (1)

Save Diary


Total Daily Energy Expenditure

Click to Calculate

TDEE represents the total amount of calories your body needs to function in a day, taking into account both BMR and physical activities.

Calorie Intake

Food Calorie Goal per Day

Click to Calculate

The number of calories you should aim to eat each day to reach your weight goal.

Calorie Burn

Exercise, Sports and Activities

Click to Calculate

Calculate and log how many calories you burn working out from a list of 300+ activies. No heart rate needed, just enter the duration and intensity.

Are you trying to lose weight, gain muscle mass or just maintain your current body composition? Knowing your Total Daily Energy Expenditure (TDEE) and tracking your calorie intake is the key to achieving any health and fitness goal. Our TDEE calculator can help you calculate how many calories you need to eat each day in order to reach your desired outcome. With our easy-to-use form, it takes only a few minutes of your time and the results will be invaluable as you work towards reaching your goals!

Having an accurate TDEE calculation gives you insight into how much food should be consumed on a daily basis for successful weight loss or gain, helping ensure that all of your hard work pays off! Fill out the form above and get started on the path to healthier living. With our TDEE calculator, you can finally take charge of your calorie counting and be on your way to achieving the body that you have always wanted!

TDEE is a measure of how many calories you burn per day. This figure is based on your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR), which is the number of calories your body requires to perform basic functions at rest, and the energy expended during physical activity. Understanding your TDEE is crucial when planning a diet or exercise regimen, as it provides insight into the number of calories you need to maintain, lose or gain weight. By adjusting your daily calorie intake to match your TDEE, you can create a diet plan that aligns with your fitness goals, whether that's building muscle, losing fat, or maintaining a healthy weight.

How TDEE is Calculated

In scientific terms, the Total Daily Energy Expenditure, or TDEE, is the precise number of calories an individual requires daily, and it is calculated based on several key factors. The process begins with calculating your Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR), which represents the amount of energy expended at rest. This calculation takes into account one's age, gender, weight, and height.

Following this, the Physical Activity Level (PAL) is determined, which measures the intensity and frequency of one's exercise routines. By multiplying the BMR with the PAL, we obtain the TDEE. This figure provides a comprehensive view of an individual's daily caloric needs. It is important to note that the accuracy of this figure is contingent upon the honesty and precision of the input data, particularly in relation to physical activity levels. Thus, TDEE serves as a valuable tool in dietary planning and weight management strategies.


0 = ( × 0kg + × 0cm × 0yrs + ) × 0.000

185lbs = 0kg5' 9 = 0cm

TDEE for Males

TDEE = (13.4 × weight(kg) +4.8 × height(cm) -5.67 × age(years) +88.4) × Activity Factor

TDEE for Females

TDEE = (9.25 × weight(kg) +3.1 × height(cm) -4.33 × age(years) +447.6) × Activity Factor

Activity Factor



Little or no exercise


Lightly Active

Exercise 1-3 days a week


Moderately Active

Exercise daily or 3-4 intense a week


Intensely Active

Intense exercise 5-6 days a week


Extremely Active

Intense exercise daily or physical job

Calculating Calories Burned While Exercising

While a TDEE calculator gives you a general estimate of your total daily calorie expenditure, our specialized Exercise Calorie Calculator refines this estimate with a precise breakdown of the energy expenditure from specific workouts. Once you select your activity and input the duration and your body weight, the calculator provides an accurate estimate of calories burned during that specific timeframe. This level of specificity is where the calories burned calculator truly shines. It takes into account the impact of different intensities of exercise on your metabolism, offering much more accurate information than a generic TDEE estimate.

This tool also enables you to log details of your exercise routines, including vital metrics such as calories burned, duration, speed, intensity, and distance covered. The ability to track these variables can significantly enhance your fitness journey by providing a clear picture of your progress, helping identify areas that may need improvement, and upholding a sense of achievement as you witness first-hand the fruits of your hard work.

To go a step further, we also have a Calories Burned Calculator covering a comprehensive list of over 300 activities to select from, allowing you to tailor your calculations to your precise workout regimen. Whether it's a high-intensity cardio session or a low-impact yoga class, our calculator takes into account the specific movements and intensity of each activity to give you an accurate estimate of your energy expenditure.

TDEE vs BMR for Calorie Burn

TDEE and Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) are two key concepts in understanding calorie counting and weight management, but they serve different functions. BMR refers to the number of calories your body needs at rest to perform basic physiological functions such as breathing, circulating blood, and regulating body temperature. It's essentially the minimum number of calories you need to survive in a state of rest.

By using our advanced BMR Calculator, you can estimate your Basal Metabolic Rate and understand how many calories you would burn if at rest all day. On the other hand, TDEE is a comprehensive measure of the total number of calories you burn in a day, taking into account both your BMR and the energy expended through physical activity. Hence, TDEE includes all the calories burned from daily activities and workouts, on top of your BMR.

Understanding both these metrics is crucial for effective weight management. By knowing your BMR, you can ensure you're not under-eating and risking metabolic slowdown. Meanwhile, knowing your TDEE can help you create an accurate calorie deficit or surplus, depending on whether your goal is to lose, maintain, or gain weight. Together, they provide a powerful tool for personalized nutritional strategies.


0 = 10 × 0kg +6.25 × 0cm –5 × 0yrs

185lbs = 0kg5' 9 = 0cm

BMR for Males

BMR = 10 × weight(kg) +6.25 × height(cm) –5 × age(yrs) +5

BMR for Females

BMR = 10 × weight(kg) +6.25 × height(cm) –5 × age(yrs) -161

Utilizing a TDEE Calculator for Calorie Counting

Utilizing a TDEE calculator for personalized calorie tracking can be a game-changer in your health and fitness journey. This tool considers your age, height, weight, gender, and activity level to determine the exact number of calories you burn in a day. By providing this detailed and personalized information, a TDEE calculator allows you to plan your diet and exercise routine more effectively. Whether your goal is to lose, maintain, or gain weight, knowing your TDEE can help you create an eating plan that aligns with your specific needs. Instead of following generic advice, you get a personalized calorie count that takes into account your unique body composition and lifestyle. This way, you're not just counting calories - you're making every calorie count. So, if you're serious about achieving your fitness goals, start by understanding your body's needs with a TDEE calculator.

Workout and Calorie Burn Log App

Experience the benefits of our Free Workout Log App, designed to help you track daily exercises and set customized goals for unparalleled motivation towards achieving success. Incorporating our app's workout exercise log with your TDEE analysis can transform the efficiency of your fitness strategy. By understanding your daily caloric needs and tracking your exercises, our TDEE Calculator aids in creating a personalized plan that harmonizes your physical activities with your nutritional intake for optimal health outcomes.

The Role of TDEE Calculators in Weight Management

The role of TDEE calculators in weight management is pivotal, particularly when formulating a weight loss plan. By calculating the number of calories your body needs to function daily, TDEE calculators provide a clear idea of how many calories you should consume to maintain, lose, or gain weight. For those embarking on a weight loss plan, understanding your TDEE is crucial for creating an effective calorie deficit.

A calorie deficit occurs when you consume fewer calories than your body burns, leading to weight loss. By using our Calorie Deficit Calculator, you can determine the right amount of deficit that is both safe and sustainable, ensuring that your weight loss plan is tailored specifically to your body's needs. This personalized approach helps prevent under-eating or overeating, making your weight management efforts more successful and health-conscious.

Calculating your TDEE for Weight Loss

To use one’s TDEE for weight loss purposes then one must consume fewer calories than their calculated figure each day for their body to start burning stored fat for fuel instead of relying solely on dietary sources alone which would otherwise lead to weight gain instead of loss over time due to caloric surplus created by consuming more than what was expended through physical activity/metabolism. It is also important to note here that any drastic reduction in calorie intake should only be done under medical supervision due to health risks associated with extreme dieting practices such as malnutrition.

Our advanced TDEE Calculator to Lose Weight factors in not only your current physical attributes and lifestyle but also your desired weight and the calorie deficit you're comfortable with. This innovative approach allows for the creation of a personalized weight loss plan, complete with projected dates for reaching your goal weight. Furthermore, it calculates a recommended daily calorie intake tailored specifically to you, ensuring a balanced and sustainable path to weight loss. This tool is designed to provide a comprehensive strategy, rooted in scientific principles, to help you achieve your fitness goals with precision and confidence.

Calculating your TDEE by Counting Steps

As a part of our commitment to helping you track and manage your energy expenditure, our TDEE calculator includes a Steps to Calories Converter that will estimate the number of calories you burn throughout the day while walking around. Whether you're a nurse making rounds, a waiter serving tables, or a teacher managing a classroom, your step count can add up quickly and contribute a significant amount to your TDEE. We encourage you to log in our site everyday to input your daily step count and watch as the calories add up. Over the course of a week, you may be surprised to find out just how much you're burning through your everyday activities. This insight can be a powerful motivator and an invaluable tool in achieving your health and fitness goals.

Weight Loss Calorie Calculator

Understanding your TDEE is pivotal in managing weight loss effectively. Consuming more calories than your TDEE leads to weight gain, as the excess energy is stored in the body as fat. Conversely, consuming fewer calories than your TDEE results in weight loss, as your body taps into stored fat to compensate for the energy deficit. Our weight loss calorie calculator factors in your TDEE to provide a personalized, accurate estimate of the daily caloric intake that will facilitate weight loss. By tailoring your caloric intake to your TDEE, our calculator offers a sustainable approach to weight loss that respects your body's natural energy needs. This method encourages long-term adherence to a healthy diet, preventing the yo-yo dieting effect often caused by drastic caloric restrictions. You will be provided with a customized and realistic plan, making weight loss a manageable and achievable goal.

TDEE Calculators for Nutritional Strategies

Harnessing the power of your Total Daily Energy Expenditure for nutritional strategies is a strategic approach to achieving your health and fitness goals. This information is invaluable when planning your diet, as it helps determine your daily calorie intake needed to lose, maintain, or gain weight. But understanding your TDEE is only part of the equation. To optimize your nutrition, you also need to consider your macronutrient distribution - the ratio of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates in your diet. This is where a macro calculator comes in handy. By inputting your TDEE into our state-of-the-art macro calculator, you can get a breakdown of how many grams of each macronutrient you should be consuming based on your specific goals, whether that's losing fat, gaining muscle, or maintaining your current weight. Together, a TDEE calculator and a macro calculator provide a powerful tool for creating effective, personalized nutritional strategies.

Understanding Your Caloric Needs with a TDEE Calculator

Understanding your caloric needs with a TDEE Calculator is an essential step towards efficient weight management. This tool calculates how many calories you burn per day by accounting for variables such as age, gender, height, and weight. Age plays a role because metabolic rate generally slows as we get older. Gender is factored in because men typically have a higher muscle mass and therefore burn more calories at rest than women. Height and weight are also crucial because larger bodies burn more calories. By considering all these factors, a TDEE calculator provides a personalized estimate of your daily caloric expenditure.

Knowing your TDEE helps tailor your diet and exercise plan to your specific needs. If you're looking to lose weight, you'll aim for a calorie intake less than your TDEE. If you're aiming to gain weight or muscle, you'll target an intake higher than your TDEE. And if you're aiming to maintain your current weight, you'll want to match your calorie intake with your TDEE. This personalized approach to calorie counting helps optimize your health and fitness goals.

How Walking Increases your TDEE

Walking is an accessible and low-impact exercise that can significantly contribute to increasing your TDEE and can be easily integrated into your daily life. Whether it's a brisk walk during your lunch break or strolling in the park, every step contributes to burning calories. By going on regular walks daily, you can enhance your TDEE and promote overall health and weight management. The exact number of calories burned while walking depends on various factors such as your weight, walking speed, and distance covered.

Regular walking can boost your TDEE in multiple ways. Firstly, it directly burns calories during the activity itself. As you engage in physical movement, your muscles work, and energy is expended. Secondly, walking can have a positive impact on your BMR, the number of calories your body naturally burns at rest. Exercise, including walking, can increase muscle mass and metabolic rate, leading to higher calorie burning even when you're not actively moving. Lastly, walking contributes to an active lifestyle, and the more active you are throughout the day, the higher your TDEE becomes.

Frequently Asked Questions


What is a TDEE calculator?

A TDEE (Total Daily Energy Expenditure) calculator is a tool that estimates the number of calories you burn per day based on your age, gender, height, weight, and activity level.


How does a TDEE calculator work?

A TDEE calculator works by taking into account your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) - the number of calories you'd burn at rest, and the calories burned through physical activity. It factors in your personal details (age, gender, height, and weight) and your activity level to provide an estimate of your daily calorie expenditure.


Why should I use a TDEE calculator?

Using a TDEE calculator can help tailor your diet and exercise plan to your specific needs. Whether you're looking to lose, maintain, or gain weight, knowing your TDEE allows you to create an eating plan that aligns with your goals.


How accurate is a TDEE calculator?

TDEE calculators are generally accurate for most people, but they are estimates. Individual variations in metabolism and muscle mass can affect actual calorie needs.


How often should I recalculate my TDEE?

If you change your level of physical activity, your job, or have a change in body weight of 10% or higher, it is recommended to recalculate your TDEE. Otherwise, it will not be necessary.


Can a TDEE calculator help me lose weight?

Yes, a TDEE calculator can help you lose weight by providing an estimate of your daily caloric needs. To lose weight, you would aim to consume fewer calories than your TDEE, creating a calorie deficit.


What's the difference between BMR and TDEE?

BMR, or Basal Metabolic Rate, is the number of calories your body needs at rest to perform basic physiological functions. TDEE, or Total Daily Energy Expenditure, includes your BMR and the calories burned through physical activity.


How do I use the results from a TDEE calculator?

Once you know your TDEE, you can adjust your calorie intake depending on your goals. If you want to lose weight, you'll aim to consume less than your TDEE. If you want to gain weight or muscle, you'll aim to consume more. If you want to maintain your current weight, you'll aim to eat around your TDEE.

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TDEE Calculator - How Many Calories Do I Burn? (2024)
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