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December 5, 2008


Constitutional Amendments (Pages 2-11)

• Since the adoption of the State Constitution of 1963, 68 proposed amendments to the Constitution have been presented on the ballot for a vote of the people. Thirty-one of the amendments were approved and 37 were rejected.

• Of the 68 proposed amendments, 42 were placed on the ballot by the State Legislature (21 were approved and 21 were rejected) and 26 were placed on the ballot by initiative petition (10 were approved and 16 were rejected).

• In addition, the “automatic” proposal relating to the calling of a constitutional convention was presented in 1978 and 1994; in both instances the proposals were rejected.

Legislative Referendums (Pages 12-13)

• Since 1963, 20 legislative referendums have been presented on the ballot for a vote of the people. Ten of the referendums were approved and 10 were rejected.

• Of the 20 referendums, 13 were placed on the ballot by the State Legislature (9 were approved and 4 were rejected) and 7 were placed on the ballot by petition (1 was approved and 6 were rejected).

Legislative Initiatives (Pages 14-15)

• Since 1963, 13 legislative initiatives have been presented on the ballot for a vote of the people. Seven of the initiatives were approved and 6 were rejected.

• Of the 13 legislative initiatives, all were placed on the ballot by petition as required by law.

• In addition to the above, the State Legislature has enacted 4 legislative proposals presented by petition during the 40-day period provided for such action. In such instances, the proposals do not appear on the ballot.

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Constitutional Amendments

Total Vote Subject of Amendment Article Section Method of Proposal Year of

Election Prop. Action For Against

Lower minimum voting age from 21 to 18 years

2 1 Senate Joint Resolution

“A” P.A. 1966, p. 678

Nov. 1966 1 Rejected 703,076 1,267,872

Establish judicial tenure commission 6 30

House Joint Resolution“PP”

P.A. 1968, p. 706 Aug. 1968 1 Adopted 553,182 228,738

Require legislature to create state officers compensation commission

4 12 House Joint Resolution

“AAA” P.A. 1968, p. 706

Aug. 1968 2 Adopted 417,393 346,839

Define manner of filling judicial vacancies

6 20, 22, 23, 24

House Joint Resolution“F”

P.A. 1968, p. 707 Aug. 1968 3 Adopted 494,512 266,561

Permit election of members of legislature to another state office during their term of office

4 9 Senate Joint Resolution

“Q” P.A. 1968, p. 708

Nov. 1968 5 Rejected 778,388 1,783,186

Permit state to impose a graduated income tax 9 7

Senate Joint Resolution“G”

P.A. 1967, p. 672 Nov. 1968 1 Rejected 614,826 2,025,052

Prohibit public aid to nonpublic schools and students

8 2 Initiatory Petition P.A. 1970, p. 692 Nov. 1970 C Adopted 1,416,838 1,078,740

Lower minimum voting age from 21 to 18 years

2 1 House Joint Resolution

“A” P.A. 1970, p. 690

Nov. 1970 B Rejected 924,981 1,446,884

Allow legislature to authorize lotteries and the sale of lottery tickets

4 41 House Joint Resolution

“V” P.A. 1972, p. 1145

May 1972 A Adopted 1,352,768 506,778

Permit members of legislature to resign and accept another office to which they have been elected or appointed

4 9 Senate Joint Resolution

“DD” P.A. 1972, p. 1145

May 1972 B Rejected 866,593 915,312


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Total Vote Subject of Amendment Article Section Method of Proposal Year of

Election Prop. Action For Against

Allow trial by jury of less than 12 jurors in all prosecutions for misdemeanors punishable by imprisonment for not less than 1 year

1 20 House Joint Resolution

“M” P.A. 1972, p. 1146

Aug. 1972 A Adopted 696,570 357,186

Limit property tax for school, county, and township purposes and require legislature to establish a state tax program for support of schools

9 6 Initiatory Petition Nov. 1972 C Rejected 1,324,702 1,815,126

Permit state to impose graduated income tax and allow legislature to authorize political subdivisions to levy graduated income tax

9 7 Initiatory Petition Nov. 1972 D Rejected 959,286 2,102,744

Limit use of motor fuel tax fund 9 9

Senate Joint Resolution“LL”

P.A. 1972, p. 1147 Nov. 1974 A Rejected 1,091,938 1,146,109

Eliminate sales tax and use tax on food and prescription drugs

9 8 Initiatory Petition P.A. 1974, p. 1357 Nov. 1974 C Adopted 1,337,609 1,071,253

Lower minimum age of eligibility for office of state representative or state senator from 21 to 18 years

4 7 House Joint Resolution

“B” P.A. 1976, p. 1755

Nov. 1976 B Rejected 698,993 2,580,945

Limit taxation imposed by legislature to 8.3% of state personal income

9 25, 26, 27, 28,

29, 30, 31 Initiatory Petition Nov. 1976 C Rejected 1,407,438 1,866,620

Permit state to impose a graduated income tax 9 7 Initiatory Petition Nov. 1976 D Rejected 897,780 2,332,513

Call for constitutional convention Required by Const.

1963, art. 12, § 3. Nov. 1978 A Rejected 640,286 2,112,549

Authorize deposit of state funds in savings and loan associations and credit unions, as well as banks

9 19, 20 House Joint Resolution

“GG”. P.A. 1978, p. 2619

Nov. 1978 C Adopted 1,819,847 933,101


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Total Vote Subject of Amendment Article Section Method of Proposal Year of

Election Prop. Action For Against

Prohibit alcoholic beverages from being sold to, or possessed by, a person under the age of 21

4 40 Initiatory Petition P.A. 1978, p. 2627 Nov. 1978 D Adopted 1,609,589 1,208,497

Establish limits on taxes imposed by legislature and units of local government (Headlee Amendment)


6, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34

Initiatory Petition P.A. 1978, p. 2627 Nov. 1978 E Adopted 1,450,150 1,313,984

Grant Michigan state troopers and sergeants right to collective bargaining and binding arbitration

11 5 Initiatory Petition P.A. 1978, p. 2630 Nov. 1978 G Adopted 1,535,023 1,203,930

Prohibit use of property taxes for school operating expenses and establish a voucher system for financing education of students at public and nonpublic schools

9 8

6 2 Initiatory Petition Nov. 1978 H Rejected 718,440 2,075,583

Reduce property tax assessments to establish a maximum of 5.6% on the rate of the state income tax; prohibit legislature from requiring new or expanded local programs without state funding; and allow school income tax with voter approval (Tisch Amendment I)


3, 3(a), 7(a), 7(b),

25(a), 25(b), 26

Initiatory Petition Nov. 1978 J Rejected 1,032,343 1,737,133

Allow courts to deny bail under certain circ*mstances involving violent crimes; provide for commencement of trial within 90 days

1 15 House Joint Resolution

“Q” P.A. 1978, p. 2620

Nov. 1978 K Adopted 2,307,038 458,357


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Total Vote Subject of Amendment Article Section Method of Proposal Year of

Election Prop. Action For Against

Allocate at least 90% of gas tax revenues for general road purposes and the remainder for other transportation purposes; and replace state highway commission with transportation commission

5 9

28 9

House Joint Resolution“F”

P.A. 1978, p. 2620 Nov. 1978 M Adopted 1,478,316 1,233,196

Require legislature to create a railroad redevelopment authority to make loans to railroads with trackage in Michigan and to authorize authority to issue general obligation bonds in amount not to exceed 175 million dollars

4 54 House Joint Resolution

“OO” P.A. 1978, p. 2622

Nov. 1978 R Rejected 1,257,606 1,415,441

Make local school boards responsible for school personnel and programs, reduce local property tax maximums for operational purposes, provide additional property tax relief for senior retirees, and require the state to raise revenues necessary for equal per pupil funding of public schools

8 9

2 6, 31, 6a,

26a Initiatory Petition Nov. 1980 A Rejected 746,027 2,769,497

Lower minimum legal age for possession or consumption of alcoholic beverages from 21 to 19 years

4 40 House Joint Resolution

“S” P.A. 1980, p. 2321

Nov. 1980 B Rejected 1,403,935 2,250,873


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Total Vote Subject of Amendment Article Section Method of Proposal Year of

Election Prop. Action For Against

Provide property tax relief; reimburse local and state governments with additional sales tax; require net state lottery revenues be deposited in school aid fund; and mandate creation of state “rainy day” fund

4 9

41, 54 2, 3, 8, 30, 31

Senate Joint Resolution“X”

P.A. 1980, p. 2317 Nov. 1980 C Rejected 894,441 2,583,253

Decrease property taxes and prohibit new types of homestead taxes; require 60% voter approval to raise state taxes or fees; require partial state reimbursem*nt to local units for lost income; limit legislature’s ability to change tax exemptions or credits or change per pupil formula (Tisch Amendment II)


1, 2, 3, 31,

2a, 3a, 3b,

3c, 3d, 3e,

3f, 33a, 33b

Initiatory Petition Nov. 1980 D Rejected 1,622,301 2,051,008

Allow the legislature to pass laws relating to members’ immunity from civil arrest and process during legislative sessions

4 11 Senate Joint Resolution

“L” P.A. 1980, p. 2321

Nov. 1980 G Rejected 1,287,172 2,134,546

Restrict authority of lieutenant governor and establish a procedure to fill a vacancy in the office of the lieutenant governor

4 5

9 25, 26

Senate Joint Resolution“K”

P.A. 1980, p. 2322 Nov. 1980 H Rejected 1,410,912 1,927,001

Reduce property taxes and city income taxes; limit growth of property tax revenues; return additional sales tax to local governments and schools; and require net lottery revenues be deposited in school aid fund

4 9

41 3, 8

30, 31

House Joint Resolution“G”

P.A. 1981, p. 1067 May 1981 A Rejected 560,924 1,451,305


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Total Vote Subject of Amendment Article Section Method of Proposal Year of

Election Prop. Action For Against

Allow the legislature to pass laws to reform members’ immunity from civil arrest and process during legislative sessions

4 11 Senate Joint Resolution

“A” P.A. 1981, p. 1070

Nov. 1982 A Adopted 1,804,728 1,029,743

Create a Michigan department of state police; provide for its personnel; prescribe its duties; and require minimum staffing

5 2, 30 Initiatory Petition Nov. 1982 B Rejected 720,915 2,111,802

Provide for an elected public service commission

5 30 Initiatory Petition Nov. 1982 G Rejected 1,026,160 1,771,098

Allow legislature to approve or disapprove administrative rules proposed by state agencies

4 37 House Joint Resolution

“P” P.A. 1984, p. 1618

Nov. 1984 A Rejected 1,280,948 1,827,677

Establish a natural resources trust fund and a board to administer it; to provide revenues for the fund from natural resources leases and existing funds; specify and limit expenditures therefrom

9 35 House Joint Resolution

“M” P.A. 1984, p. 1617

Nov. 1984 B Adopted 2,066,554 1,120,794

Amend constitution relating to taxes, other revenues and voter or legislative approval for same

9 1, 2 Initiatory Petition Nov. 1984 C Rejected 1,376,141 2,035,867

Allow establishment of the library of Michigan within the legislative branch

4 54 House Joint Resolution

“V” P.A. 1986, p. 1543

Nov. 1986 A Rejected 908,627 936,643

Allow for approval or rejection of administrative rules by the legislature

4 37 House Joint Resolution

“W” P.A. 1986, p. 1544

Nov. 1986 B Rejected 648,116 1,136,721


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Total Vote Subject of Amendment Article Section Method of Proposal Year of

Election Prop. Action For Against

Expand authority of state officers compensation commission to determine compensation of attorney general and secretary of state

4 12 House Joint Resolution

“U” P.A. 1986, p. 1543

Nov. 1986 C Rejected 905,767 910,297

Provide for rights of crime victims 1 24

House Joint Resolution“P”

P.A. 1988, p. 2163 Nov. 1988 B Adopted 2,662,796 650,515

Increase the sales/use tax from 4¢ to 4½¢ and dedicate funds for local schools

4 9

41 8, 10, 11

House Joint Resolution“I”

P.A. 1989, p. 1793 Nov. 1989 A Rejected 514,407 1,341,292

Increase the sales/use tax from 4¢ to 6¢, reduce school property taxes, set permanent school operating millages subject to voter renewal, and dedicate funds for local schools

4 9

41 3, 5, 6 8, 10

11, 14

House Joint Resolution “I”

P.A. 1989, p. 1793 Nov. 1989 B Rejected 436,958 1,392,053

Limit annual increases in homestead property tax assessments and provide separate tax limitations for different property classifications

9 3, 31 House Joint Resolution

“H” P.A. 1991, p. 1321

Nov. 1992 A Rejected 1,433,354 2,384,777

Restrict/limit the number of times a person can be elected to congressional, state executive and state legislative offices

2 4 5


10 54 30 4

Initiatory Petition P.A. 1992, p. 1651 Nov. 1992 B Adopted 2,295,904 1,613,404

Exempt property from a portion of school operating property taxes and limit annual increases in all property tax assessments

9 3 Initiatory Petition Nov. 1992 C Rejected 1,552,119 2,276,360

Limit property tax assessments and increase sales tax

4 9

41 3, 6, 8, 10, 11

House Joint Resolution“G” June 1993 A Rejected 1,008,425 1,164,468


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Total Vote Subject of Amendment Article Section Method of Proposal Year of

Election Prop. Action For Against

To increase sales and use tax rates from 4% to 6%; limit annual increases in property tax assessments, exempt school operating milages from uniform taxation requirement, and require ¾ vote of legislature to exceed statutorily established school operating millage rates

9 3, 5, 8, 11, 36

Senate Joint Resolution “S”

P.A. 1993, p. 2484

March 1994 A Adopted 1,684,541 750,952

Call for constitutional convention Required by Const 1963,

art 12, sec 3 Nov. 1994 A Rejected 777,779 2,008,070

To limit criminal appeals 1 20

Senate Joint Resolution“D”

P.A. 1994, p. 2659 Nov. 1994 B Adopted 2,118,734 761,784

To establish a Michigan state parks endowment fund, increase maximum allowable funds in Michigan natural resources trust fund, and eliminate diversion of dedicated revenue from Michigan natural resources trust fund

9 35, 36 Senate Joint Resolution

“E” P.A. 1994, p. 2661

Nov. 1994 P Adopted 2,007,097 806,888

To establish qualifications for judicial offices

6 19 Senate Joint Resolution

“D” P.A. 1995, p. 2445

Nov. 1996 B Adopted 2,806,833 629,402

To establish the current Michigan Veterans’ Trust Fund in the state constitution and require that expenditures from the fund be made solely for purposes authorized by the trust fund’s board of trustees

9 37, 38, 39 House Joint Resolution

“H” P.A. 1995, p. 2445

Nov. 1996 C Adopted 2,447,905 849,525

To change the word “handicapped” to “disabled” in the state constitution

8 8 Senate Joint Resolution

“I” P.A. 1998, p. 2549

Nov. 1998 A Adopted 1,708,873 1,181,138


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Total Vote Subject of Amendment Article Section Method of Proposal Year of

Election Prop. Action For Against

To permit the state to indirectly support nonpublic school students

8 2, 10 Initiatory Petition P.A. 2000, p. 2420 Nov. 2000 00-1 Rejected 1,235,533 2,767,320

Require a 2/3 legislative vote to enact laws affecting local governments



Initiatory Petition P.A. 2000, p. 2421 Nov. 2000 00-2 Rejected 1,242,516 2,548,995

Amend the provision of the state constitution governing the operation of the state officers compensation commission (SOCC)

4 12 House Joint Resolution“E” Aug. 2002 02-1 Adopted 1,057,503 404,682

Allow certain permanent and endowment funds to be invested as provided by law and increase allowed spending for state parks, local parks and outdoor recreation

9 19, 35, 36(1), 37

Senate Joint Resolution“T” Aug. 2002 02-2 Adopted 925,475 565,971

To grant state classified employees the constitutional right to collective bargaining with binding arbitration

11 5 Initiatory Petition Nov. 2002 02-3 Rejected 1,336,249 1,591,756

To reallocate the “tobacco settlement revenue” received by the state from cigarette manufacturers

9 36 Initiatory Petition Nov. 2002 02-4 Rejected 1,018,644 2,011,105

Require voter approval of any form of gambling authorized by law and certain new state lottery games

4 41 Initiatory Petition Nov. 2004 04-1 Adopted 2,689,448 1,926,721

Specify what can be recognized as a “marriage or similar union” for any purpose

1 25 Initiatory Petition Nov. 2004 04-2 Adopted 2,698,077 1,904,319

Dedicate use of conservation/ recreation funds

9 40, 41, 42 House Joint Resolution “Z” Nov. 2006 06-1 Adopted 2,915,106 680,859


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Total Vote Subject of Amendment Article Section Method of Proposal Year of

Election Prop. Action For Against

Ban affirmative action programs 1 26 Initiatory Petition Nov. 2006 06-2 Adopted 2,141,010 1,555,691

Restrict use of eminent domain 10 2 Senate Joint Resolution

“E” Nov. 2006 06-4 Adopted 2,914,214 724,573

To address human embryo and embryonic stem cell research in Michigan

1 27 Initiatory Petition Nov. 2008 08-02 Adopted 2,521,026 2,271,083


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Legislative Referendums

Total Vote Subject of Referendum Method Date of

Election Prop. Action For Against

Act 240 of 1964, to amend sections 685, 696, 706,737, 775, 782, 786, 803, and 804 of Act 116 of 1954,to institute use of Massachusetts ballot in Michigan to prevent straight party ticket voting

Referendum Petition Nov. 1964 C Rejected 795,546 1,515,875

Act 6 of 1967, to permit establishment of daylight saving time in Michigan

Referendum Petition Nov. 1968 2 Rejected 1,402,562 1,403,052

Act 76 of 1968, to authorize issuance of bonds for planning, acquisition, and construction of facilities for prevention and abatement of water pollution and for loans and grants to municipalities

Legislative Action Nov. 1968 3 Adopted 1,906,385 796,079

Act 257 of 1968, to authorize issuance of bonds to provide funding for public recreational facilities and programs and for loans and grants to municipalities

Legislative Action Nov. 1968 4 Adopted 1,384,254 1,235,681

Act 304 of 1969, to authorize issuance of bonds for urban redevelopment to increase the supply of low-income housing and for loans and grants to municipalities and redevelopment corporations

Legislative Action Nov. 1970 A Rejected 921,482 1,388,737

Act 231 of 1972, to authorize issuance of bonds to provide funding for bonus payments and educational benefits to Vietnam and other veterans

Legislative Action Nov. 1972 E Rejected 1,490,968 1,603,203

Act 106 of 1974, to authorize issuance of bonds to provide funding for bonus payments to Vietnam and other veterans

Legislative Action Nov. 1974 B Adopted 1,668,641 700,041

Act 245 of 1974, to authorize issuance of bonds to provide funding to plan, acquire, construct, and equip transportation systems and to make loans and grants for that purpose

Legislative Action Nov. 1974 D Rejected 963,576 1,319,586

Act 250 of 1980, to amend sections 51 and 475 of Act 281 of 1976, to increase the state income tax 0.1% for 5 years to fund the construction of regional correctional facilities, the demolition of the Michigan Reformatory, and other state and local correctional projects

Legislative Action Nov. 1980 E Rejected 1,288,999 2,202,042

Act 212 of 1982, to amend sections 6a and 6b of Act 3 of 1939, to prohibit certain utility rate adjustment clauses, utility rate increases without notice and hearing, and acceptance of employment with any utility for 2 years by member of 81st Legislature

Legislative Action Nov. 1982 H Adopted 1,670,381 1,131,990


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Total Vote Subject of Referendum Method Date of

Election Prop. Action For Against

Act 59 of 1987, to prohibit the appropriation of public fund to pay for welfare abortions unless the abortion is necessary to save the life of the mother

Referendum Petition Nov. 1988 A Adopted 1,959,727 1,486,371

Act 326 of 1988, to authorize issuance of bonds to finance environmental protection programs that would clean up environmental contamination sites and address related problems

Legislative Action Nov. 1988 C Adopted 2,528,109 774,451

Act 327 of 1988, to authorize issuance of bonds to finance state and local public recreation projects

Legislative Action Nov. 1988 D Adopted 2,055,290 1,206,465

Act 143 of 1993, to reduce auto insurance rates; place limits on personal injury benefits, fees paid to health care providers, and right to sue; and allow rate reduction for accident-free driving

Referendum Petition Nov. 1994 C Rejected 1,165,732 1,812,526

Act 118 of 1994, to amend certain sections of Michigan Bingo Act

Referendum Petition Nov. 1996 A Rejected 1,511,063 1,936,198

Act 377 of 1996, an amendment regarding the management of Michigan’s wildlife populations

Legislative Action Nov. 1996 G Adopted 2,413,730 1,099,262

Act 284 of 1998, to authorize bonds for environmental and natural resources protection programs

Legislative Action Nov. 1998 C Adopted 1,821,006 1,081,988

Act 269 of 2001, to eliminate “straight ticket” voting and amend other sections of the election law

Referendum Petition Nov. 2002 02-1 Rejected 1,199,236 1,775,043

Act 396 of 2002, to authorize bonds for sewage treatment works projects, storm water projects and water pollution projects

Legislative Action Nov. 2002 02-2 Adopted 1,774,053 1,172,612

Act 160 of 2004, to allow the establishment of a hunting season for mourning doves

Referendum Petition Nov. 2006 06-3 Rejected 1,137,379 2,534,680


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Legislative Initiatives

Total Vote Subject of Petition Date of

Election Prop. Action For Against

New legislation to allow licensed physicians to perform abortions upon demand if period of gestation has not exceeded 20 weeks. Nov. 1972 B Rejected 1,270,416 1,958,265

Repeal Act 6 of 1967, to permit the establishment of daylight saving time in Michigan. Nov. 1972 A Adopted 1,754,887 1,460,724

New legislation to prohibit use of nonreturnable beverage containers; to require refundable cash deposits for returnable containers; and to provide penalties for violation of the law.

Nov. 1976 A Adopted 2,160,398 1,227,254

Amendment to revise standards for grant of parole and to prohibit grant of parole for certain defined crimes until court-imposed minimum sentence is served.

Nov. 1978 B Adopted 2,075,599 711,262

Amendment to prohibit lender from using a “due on sale” clause in foreclosure proceedings on a mortgage or land contract unless security is impaired.

Nov. 1982 C Rejected 1,344,463 1,445,897

Amendment to prohibit utility increases without full notice or opportunity for hearing; to abolish all rate adjustment clauses; and to prohibit the public service commission from conducting 2 or more proceedings on same petition or application for rate increase and from conducting hearing on additional rate increase petition or application when utility already has petition or application pending.

Nov. 1982 D Adopted 1,472,442 1,431,884

New legislation calling for mutual, verifiable nuclear weapons freeze between the United States and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and requiring transmission of communication to United States government officials.

Nov. 1982 E Adopted 1,585,809 1,216,172

Amendment to reform auto insurance statutes. Nov. 1992 D Rejected 1,482,577 2,480,032

Amendment to limit bear hunting season and prohibit the use of bait and dogs to hunt bear. Nov. 1996 D Rejected 1,379,340 2,225,675

New legislation to permit casino gaming in qualified cities. Nov. 1996 E Adopted 1,878,542 1,768,156

Amendment to legalize the prescription of a legal dose of medication to terminally ill, competent, informed adults in order to commit suicide.

Nov. 1998 B Rejected 859,381 2,116,154

Amendment to establish mandatory school funding levels. Nov. 2006 06-5 Rejected 1,366,355 2,259,247

New legislation to permit the use and cultivation of marijuana for specified medical conditions. Nov. 2008 08-1 Adopted 3,006,820 1,790,889


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Legislative Initiatives Adopted by State Legislature

Subject of Petition Legislative Action

Amendment to prohibit the appropriation of public funds to pay for welfare abortions unless the abortion is necessary to save the life of the mother.

Adopted by State Legislature: P.A. 59 of 1987

Amendment to require parental consent for abortions performed on unemancipated minors.

Adopted by State Legislature: P.A. 211 of 1990

Amendment to define legal birth and the commencing of legal personhood.

Adopted by State Legislature: P.A. 135 of 2004

Amendment to repeal P.A. 228 of 1975 (“Single business tax act”).

Adopted by State Legislature: P.A. 325 of 2006


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How many states allow people to propose amendments directly through initiatives? ›

An initiated constitutional amendment is a citizen-initiated ballot measure that amends a state's constitution. Eighteen (18) states allow citizens to initiate constitutional amendments. Proponents of a ballot initiative collect petition signatures from a certain minimum number of registered voters in a state.

What is the Article 4 Part 1 Section 1 of the Constitution of Arizona? ›

The legislative authority of the state shall be vested in the legislature, consisting of a senate and a house of representatives, but the people reserve the power to propose laws and amendments to the constitution and to enact or reject such laws and amendments at the polls, independently of the legislature; and they ...

How did the initiative referendum and recall change the US political system? ›

Initiatives and referendums, along with recall elections and popular primary elections, were signature reforms from the Progressive Era (1896–1917) when people sought to moderate the power of parties and political bosses. These powers are written into several state constitutions, particularly in the West.

What is the difference between an initiative and a referendum in Quizlet? ›

Referendum is a decision for the general assembly to put a bill on the ballot. Initiative is when citizens get signatures and make the decision to put it on the ballot to be voted on.

How many states must agree to propose an amendment? ›

Amendments proposed by Congress or convention become valid only when ratified by the legislatures of, or conventions in, three-fourths of the states (i.e., 38 of 50 states).

What are two methods of proposing an amendment to the US Constitution? ›

Under Article V of the Constitution, there are two ways to propose and ratify amendments to the Constitution. To propose amendments, two-thirds of both houses of Congress can vote to propose an amendment, or two-thirds of the state legislatures can ask Congress to call a national convention to propose amendments.

What was the main purpose of the initiative referendum recall? ›

In 1911, California voters approved the constitutional processes of initiative, referendum, and recall. Through these processes, voters can adopt a change in law (an initiative), disapprove a law passed by the Legislature (a referendum), or remove an elected official from office (a recall).

What was the purpose of the initiative referendum and recall quizlet? ›

Initiative: people have the right to propose a new law. Referendum: a law passed by the legislature can be reference to the people for approval/veto. Recall: the people can petition and vote to have an elected official removed from office.

What is a referendum in simple terms? ›

A referendum ( pl. : referendums or less commonly referenda) is a direct vote by the electorate on a proposal, law, or political issue.

Which of the following allows voters to remove public officials from office? ›

Recall is a power reserved to the voters that allows the voters, by petition, to demand the removal of an elected official.

How is the California Constitution changed most easily? ›

A constitutional amendment can be initiated by the Legislature if it passes both houses by a two-thirds vote. A constitutional amendment does not need the Governor's signature, but becomes part of the constitution only if the electorate approves it at the next general election.

What makes a town meeting the closest thing we have to direct democracy? ›

Since town residents directly participate in their own governance and represent themselves without any intermediary, town meeting is an example of direct democracy, and examined as a case study in democratic theory.

What percentage of State legislatures to propose amendments? ›

If two-thirds of the state legislatures or conventions from three-fourths of states propose an amendment, it can be approved by Congress and ratified.

What percentage of States are needed for an amendment to be changed? ›

The amendment process is very difficult and time consuming: A proposed amendment must be passed by two-thirds of both houses of Congress, then ratified by the legislatures of three-fourths of the states.

How many proposed amendments have the states rejected? ›

During the course of our history, in addition to the twenty-seven Amendments which have been ratified by the required three-fourths of the states, six other amendments have been submitted to the states but have not been ratified by them. 307 U.S. 433 (1939).

How many States must approve an amendment before it can be added to the Constitution one quarter of one half of three fourths of five eighths? ›

After being officially proposed, either by Congress or a national convention of the states, a constitutional amendment must then be ratified by three-fourths (38 out of 50) of the states.

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Name: Sen. Emmett Berge

Birthday: 1993-06-17

Address: 787 Elvis Divide, Port Brice, OH 24507-6802

Phone: +9779049645255

Job: Senior Healthcare Specialist

Hobby: Cycling, Model building, Kitesurfing, Origami, Lapidary, Dance, Basketball

Introduction: My name is Sen. Emmett Berge, I am a funny, vast, charming, courageous, enthusiastic, jolly, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.