Cataclysm Classic Retribution Paladin Guide (2024)

Last updated on May 17, 2024 at 00:00by Sellin

Welcome to our Retribution Paladin guide for Cataclysm Classic, tailoredfor PvE content. Here, you will learn how all you need to know to playRetribution Paladin proficiently. Click the links below to navigate the guideor read this page for a short introduction.


Retribution Paladin Cataclysm Pre-Patch Information

This page contains all relevant information needed for Retribution Paladinbefore the release of Cataclysm Classic. Be sure to check back as we get closerto the release date, as this page will be updated with the latest informationas it becomes available.


Is Retribution Paladin Viable in Cataclysm Classic?

Yes! Retribution Paladin is incredibly powerful in Cataclysm due to their ability todeal both great single target and AoE damage while also providing powerfulbuffs for their group in the form of Cataclysm Classic Retribution Paladin Guide (1) Communion, as well as various Blessingsand Hands. Paladin is now also able to interrupt with the addition of Cataclysm Classic Retribution Paladin Guide (2) Rebukemaking them even more desirable as they were one of few melee DPS without a reliableinterrupt until Cataclysm.

Tauren are now able to be Paladin, while Tauren start with more Strength rating theDPS difference between Tauren and Blood Elf is extremely small so I would recommended choosingwhichever you prefer the look of though both races offer great unique utility. As a Tauren youhave access to Cataclysm Classic Retribution Paladin Guide (3) War Stomp which can act as an emergency AoE stun. As a Blood Elf youhave Cataclysm Classic Retribution Paladin Guide (4) Arcane Torrent which is an AoE interrupt that also restores a considerable amountof mana.

As Alliance there is not a specific Race that stands out among your choices, thoughHuman maintaining their racial weapon specializations makes them a great choice. Expertise canbe difficult to come by especially in earlier phases of gearing.


Raid Buffs and Utility

Cataclysm Classic Retribution Paladin Guide (5)Retribution provides quite a few buffs that are importantto your groups success:

  • Cataclysm Classic Retribution Paladin Guide (6) Blessing of Kings;
  • Cataclysm Classic Retribution Paladin Guide (7) Blessing of Might;
  • Cataclysm Classic Retribution Paladin Guide (8) Concentration Aura reduces your chance at being impacted by spell push backfrom incoming damage;
  • Cataclysm Classic Retribution Paladin Guide (9) Devotion Aura greatly increases your groups Armor rating reducingincoming Physical damage;
  • Cataclysm Classic Retribution Paladin Guide (10) Resistance Aura greatly increases your groups Resist rating againstFire, Frost and Shadow types of damage;
  • Cataclysm Classic Retribution Paladin Guide (11) Hand of Protection provides complete immunity to incoming Physicaldamage for 10 seconds to any member of the group while still allowing them tocast damage spells or heal. This can be used to both mitigate incoming damageor sometimes completely avoid a mechanic;
  • Cataclysm Classic Retribution Paladin Guide (12) Hand of Sacrifice transfers 30% of the damage taken on a friendly targetback onto the Paladin providing a great tool to mitigate incoming damage on anygroup member who is likely to take a high amount of incoming damage;
  • Cataclysm Classic Retribution Paladin Guide (13) Hand of Salvation reduces the threat of a party member by 20%over 10 seconds;
  • Cataclysm Classic Retribution Paladin Guide (14) Communion increases the damage dealt by your group by 3% and providesCataclysm Classic Retribution Paladin Guide (15) Replenishment each time you cast Cataclysm Classic Retribution Paladin Guide (16) Judgement;
  • The ability to remove Poison and Disease from friendly targets with theCataclysm Classic Retribution Paladin Guide (17) Cleanse ability.
  • Cataclysm Classic Retribution Paladin Guide (18) Rebuke is a short cooldown melee range interrupt.


Talents and Glyphs

At Level 80 we have access to all of the core talents for Retribution Paladin, missing onlya few smaller damage increases that we would have otherwise been able to take in talents likeCataclysm Classic Retribution Paladin Guide (19) Blazing Light, which we will gain access to at 85. There is some flexibility in this treeif you find yourself running a lot of dungeon content or even when the time comes to level youcan consider switching one of the points found in Cataclysm Classic Retribution Paladin Guide (20) Seals of the Pure or Cataclysm Classic Retribution Paladin Guide (21) Judgements of the Pureinto Cataclysm Classic Retribution Paladin Guide (22) Repentance for the extra crowd control.

Glyphs exist mostly to increase damage you are dealing with your existingrotation. None of the Glyphs alter our DPS rotation, but simply allow you to deal more DPS while doingwhat you were already doing. In a situation where you are taking large amounts of Magic damage, considerswapping the Cataclysm Classic Retribution Paladin Guide (23) Glyph of Divine Protection into a different glyph like Cataclysm Classic Retribution Paladin Guide (24) Glyph of Rebukeor even Cataclysm Classic Retribution Paladin Guide (25) Glyph of Holy Wrath.



Make sure you have one of your Blessings active on all of your party members at all times.Keep Cataclysm Classic Retribution Paladin Guide (26) Seal of Truth active.

As a Retribution Paladin your DPS rotation acts much more as a list of priorities as opposed to a strict DPS rotationthe goal is generating as much Holy Power as possible to maximize the amount of Cataclysm Classic Retribution Paladin Guide (27) Templar's Verdict casts.

Cataclysm Classic Retribution Paladin Guide (28) Guardian of Ancient Kings should be cast on the pull, after 10 seconds cast your Cataclysm Classic Retribution Paladin Guide (29) Avenging Wrathability to maximize the benefit from Cataclysm Classic Retribution Paladin Guide (30) Guardian of Ancient Kings. It takes 10 seconds for your Cataclysm Classic Retribution Paladin Guide (31) Guardian of Ancient Kingsto stack to fully so instead of spending the first 10 seconds of your Cataclysm Classic Retribution Paladin Guide (32) Avenging Wrath waiting for the buff to stackyou will get its full duration with the stacked guardian buff. Try to stack Cataclysm Classic Retribution Paladin Guide (33) Zealotry with Cataclysm Classic Retribution Paladin Guide (34) Avenging Wrathwhenever possible but especially towards the beginning of a fight to get them on cooldown:

When Cataclysm Classic Retribution Paladin Guide (35) Zealotry is active your ability usage will be a bit different as you are now generatingthree Holy Power every time you cast Cataclysm Classic Retribution Paladin Guide (36) Crusader Strike. As a result will have much moreHoly Power to spend on Cataclysm Classic Retribution Paladin Guide (37) Templar's Verdict. The list of priorities below remains the samebut keep in mind you will gain three Holy Power every time Cataclysm Classic Retribution Paladin Guide (38) Crusader Strike is castwith Cataclysm Classic Retribution Paladin Guide (39) Zealotry active so it is even more crucial to be pressing it on cooldown.Cataclysm Classic Retribution Paladin Guide (40) Templar's Verdict should only be cast when you have three Holy Power:

  1. Cast Cataclysm Classic Retribution Paladin Guide (41) Crusader Strike to generate Holy Power on cooldown;
  2. Cast Cataclysm Classic Retribution Paladin Guide (42) Templar's Verdict as Holy Power/Cataclysm Classic Retribution Paladin Guide (43) Divine Purpose procs allows;
  3. Cast Cataclysm Classic Retribution Paladin Guide (44) Exorcism if you have a Cataclysm Classic Retribution Paladin Guide (45) The Art of War proc;
  4. Cast Cataclysm Classic Retribution Paladin Guide (46) Hammer of Wrath on cooldown (only usable against an enemy below 20% health);
  5. Cast Cataclysm Classic Retribution Paladin Guide (47) Judgement on cooldown to reapply Cataclysm Classic Retribution Paladin Guide (48) Replenishment;
  6. Cast Cataclysm Classic Retribution Paladin Guide (49) Holy Wrath.
  7. Cast Cataclysm Classic Retribution Paladin Guide (50) Consecration;

Doing AoE DPS as a Retribution Paladin is actually extremely similar to what youwould be doing in a single target situation which was highlighted above, the main difference beingyou will substitute Cataclysm Classic Retribution Paladin Guide (51) Crusader Strike for Cataclysm Classic Retribution Paladin Guide (52) Divine Storm but otherwise should stillbe focusing on maximizing your Holy Power generation and your Cataclysm Classic Retribution Paladin Guide (53) Templar's Verdict casts.It is important to note that Cataclysm Classic Retribution Paladin Guide (54) Divine Storm only generates Holy Power when hittingfour or more targets. Consider how high a priority it is for you to switch to this AoErotation when fighting 2-3 mobs:

  1. Cast Cataclysm Classic Retribution Paladin Guide (55) Divine Storm to generate Holy Power on cooldown;
  2. Cast Cataclysm Classic Retribution Paladin Guide (56) Templar's Verdict as Holy Power/Cataclysm Classic Retribution Paladin Guide (57) Divine Purpose procs allows;
  3. Cast Cataclysm Classic Retribution Paladin Guide (58) Exorcism if you have a Cataclysm Classic Retribution Paladin Guide (59) The Art of War proc;
  4. Cast Cataclysm Classic Retribution Paladin Guide (60) Hammer of Wrath on cooldown (only usable against an enemy below 20% health);
  5. Cast Cataclysm Classic Retribution Paladin Guide (61) Judgement on cooldown to reapply Cataclysm Classic Retribution Paladin Guide (62) Replenishment;
  6. Cast Cataclysm Classic Retribution Paladin Guide (63) Consecration;
  7. Cast Cataclysm Classic Retribution Paladin Guide (64) Holy Wrath.


Gear and Stat Priority

You will mostly be using the same gear as was recommended for Wrath Classic Phase5. As a Retribution Paladin we have often times wore pieces of Leather or Mail butwith the addition of Cataclysm Classic Retribution Paladin Guide (65) Plate Specialization increasing your Strength by 5% it isnow required that all gear you are wearing is Plate.

Reforging is now available and allows you to swap 40% of a secondary stat foranother not already present in the gear piece. Allowing you to maximize the amountof your preferred secondary stat with the gear you have available.

Strength > Mastery > Hit Rating (to cap 8%) > Expertise (to cap 26) > Critical Strike > Haste


Best in Slot for Cataclysm Pre-Patch

HelmCataclysm Classic Retribution Paladin Guide (66) Sanctified Lightsworn Helmet
1100 Justice Points (251) + normal (264) and heroic (277) Cataclysm Classic Retribution Paladin Guide (67) Conqueror's Mark of SanctificationIcecrown Citadel 25-Man HM
NeckCataclysm Classic Retribution Paladin Guide (68) Penumbra Pendant
The Ruby Sanctum 25-Man HM
ShouldersCataclysm Classic Retribution Paladin Guide (69) Sanctified Lightsworn Shoulderplates
695 Justice Points (251) + normal (264) and heroic (277) Cataclysm Classic Retribution Paladin Guide (70) Conqueror's Mark of SanctificationIcecrown Citadel 25-Man HM
BackCataclysm Classic Retribution Paladin Guide (71) Shadowvault Slayer's Cloak
GunshipIcecrown Citadel 25-Man HM
ChestCataclysm Classic Retribution Paladin Guide (72) Sanctified Lightsworn Battleplate
1100 Justice Points (251) + normal (264) and heroic (277) Cataclysm Classic Retribution Paladin Guide (73) Conqueror's Mark of SanctificationIcecrown Citadel 25-Man HM
WristsCataclysm Classic Retribution Paladin Guide (74) Polar Bear Claw Bracers
Critical Strike
GunshipIcecrown Citadel 25-Man HM
HandsCataclysm Classic Retribution Paladin Guide (75) Fleshrending Gauntlets
FestergutIcecrown Citadel 25-Man HM
WaistCataclysm Classic Retribution Paladin Guide (76) Coldwraith Links
Valithria DreamwalkerIcecrown Citadel 25-Man HM
LegsCataclysm Classic Retribution Paladin Guide (77) Sanctified Lightsworn Legplates
Critical Strike
1100 Justice Points (251) + normal (264) and heroic (277) Cataclysm Classic Retribution Paladin Guide (78) Conqueror's Mark of SanctificationIcecrown Citadel 25-Man HM
FeetCataclysm Classic Retribution Paladin Guide (79) Apocalypse's Advance
Critical Strike
The Ruby Sanctum 25-Man HM
RingsCataclysm Classic Retribution Paladin Guide (80) Might of Blight
Cataclysm Classic Retribution Paladin Guide (81) Ashen Band of Endless Might
FestergutIcecrown Citadel 25-Man HM
Reward from Path of Might at Ormus the PenitentThe Ashen Verdict Exalted
TrinketsCataclysm Classic Retribution Paladin Guide (82) Tiny Abomination in a Jar
Cataclysm Classic Retribution Paladin Guide (83) Sharpened Twilight Scale
Critical Strike
Professor PutricideIcecrown Citadel 25-Man HM
The Ruby Sanctum 25-Man HM
WeaponCataclysm Classic Retribution Paladin Guide (84) Shadowmourne
The Lich KingIcecrown Citadel 25-Man HM
LibramCataclysm Classic Retribution Paladin Guide (85) Libram of Three Truths
347 Justice Points


Enchants and Gems

HeadCataclysm Classic Retribution Paladin Guide (86) Arcanum of Torment
ShouldersCataclysm Classic Retribution Paladin Guide (87) Greater Inscription of the Axe
BackCataclysm Classic Retribution Paladin Guide (88) Enchant Cloak - Greater Speed
ChestCataclysm Classic Retribution Paladin Guide (89) Enchant Chest - Powerful Stats
WristsCataclysm Classic Retribution Paladin Guide (90) Enchant Bracer - Greater Assault
HandsCataclysm Classic Retribution Paladin Guide (91) Hyperspeed Accelerators or Cataclysm Classic Retribution Paladin Guide (92) Enchant Gloves - Precision
BeltCataclysm Classic Retribution Paladin Guide (93) Eternal Belt Buckle and (if Engineering) Cataclysm Classic Retribution Paladin Guide (94) Frag Belt
LegsCataclysm Classic Retribution Paladin Guide (95) Icescale Leg Armor
FeetCataclysm Classic Retribution Paladin Guide (96) Nitro Boosts, or Cataclysm Classic Retribution Paladin Guide (97) Enchant Boots - Icewalker
Main-handCataclysm Classic Retribution Paladin Guide (98) Enchant Weapon - Berserking

With Primary stats becoming increasingly powerful in Cataclysm there is amuch larger focus on maximizing the amount of Strength as a Retribution Paladin. This has greatlysimplified the process of gemming and the general rule to follow is keep yourMeta Gem active and maximize the amount of Strength you can get:

Cataclysm Classic Retribution Paladin Guide (99) Relentless Earthsiege Diamond is the best overall Meta Gem forFrost making your Critical Strikes 3% more potent.

Put Cataclysm Classic Retribution Paladin Guide (100) Bold Cardinal Rubys into Red Gem slots on your gear,Cataclysm Classic Retribution Paladin Guide (101) Etched Dreadstone on Blue Gem slots, and Cataclysm Classic Retribution Paladin Guide (102) Fierce Ametrineon Yellow Sockets.



  • 08 May 2024 (spells page): Added page.

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Cataclysm Classic Retribution Paladin Guide (2024)
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Name: Margart Wisoky

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Introduction: My name is Margart Wisoky, I am a gorgeous, shiny, successful, beautiful, adventurous, excited, pleasant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.