Are 1-ounce gold bars a good investment in 2024? (2024)

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MoneyWatch: Managing Your Money

By Angelica Leicht

Edited By Matt Richardson

/ CBS News

Are 1-ounce gold bars a good investment in 2024? (2)

Given how quickly the investment landscape can shift, investors are constantly seeking ways to diversify their portfolios and safeguard their wealth against economic uncertainties. Otherwise, they would leave themselves open to serious vulnerabilities within their portfolios — the type that can have a big, and negative, impact on the value of their investments.

And, one avenue that has perennially captured the imagination of investors is precious metals, with gold being a standout choice. Part of the allure is that gold has long been revered as a safe-haven asset, appreciated for its intrinsic value and ability to preserve wealth. And, throughout history, gold has weathered economic downturns, geopolitical tensions and currency fluctuations, emerging as a reliable store of value. That's a large part of why, in times of uncertainty, investors will turn to gold to mitigate risk and provide stability to their portfolios.

There are numerous types of gold investments to choose from, too — from gold bars and coins to gold stocks, gold ETFs and gold IRAs. But 1-ounce gold bars in particular have gained popularity for their accessibility and versatility — and these days, even Costco sells 1-ounce gold bars to its members. Are 1-ounce gold bars still a sound investment choice in 2024, though? Let's find out.

Ready to start investing in gold? Compare your top investing options online here.

Are 1-ounce gold bars a good investment in 2024?

In general, 1-ounce gold bars hold a unique position in the realm of gold investments. And, there are a few reasons it could make sense to invest in 1-ounce gold bars this year, including:

Liquidity and accessibility

One of the key advantages of 1-ounce gold bars is that they're highly liquid. As a standard unit, these bars are easily tradable on various financial markets. Investors can buy and sell 1-ounce gold bars with relative ease, providing a level of liquidity that larger gold bars or other forms of gold may not offer.

And 1-ounce gold bars are accessible to a broader range of investors due to their lower price point compared to other options. For example, larger gold bars may require significant capital outlays, but 1-ounce bars allow investors with varying budget sizes to participate in gold investments. This accessibility democratizes gold ownership, making it inclusive for a diverse set of investors.

Find out more about how you can get started with gold investing here.

Inflation and economic uncertainty

As we navigate the economic landscape of 2024, concerns about inflation and global uncertainties are at the forefront — and for good reason. While it appeared in late 2023 that the inflation issues had been somewhat tempered by the Federal Reserve's rate hikes, the most recent report showed a slight uptick in the inflation rate. And, while that could be an anomaly, it may not be — so there are uncertainties to consider with the current economic state.

But gold, including 1-ounce gold bars, has traditionally served as a hedge against inflation, so it can be a smart investment in 2024. The precious metal tends to retain its value or appreciate during periods of rising inflation, acting as a counterbalance to the eroding purchasing power of regular currencies.

Moreover, in times of economic turmoil or geopolitical unrest, gold tends to shine as a safe-haven asset. The inherent stability and universal acceptance of gold make 1-ounce bars an attractive option for investors seeking refuge from market volatility.

Storage and portability

The practicality of storing and transporting 1-ounce gold bars also contributes to the popularity of this type of gold asset. Unlike larger gold bars that may require specialized storage facilities, 1-ounce bars can be stored in smaller, more secure spaces such as safe deposit boxes. Their compact size also makes them easily transportable, allowing investors to move their wealth as needed.

Risks and considerations when investing in 1-ounce gold bars

While 1-ounce gold bars present compelling advantages, it's essential to also be aware of the potential risks that come with this type of investing. While gold tends to retain its value over time — and while the price of gold has historically increased — like any investment, the value of gold can fluctuate, influenced by market forces, economic conditions and geopolitical events.

Additionally, the transaction costs and premiums associated with buying and selling gold should be taken into account to ensure that it's the right move for your portfolio. Unlike other types of investment assets, like traditional stocks or ETFs, you'll need to contend with expenses like storage or insurance when purchasing 1-ounce gold bars, which can increase the cost of investing in this precious metal.

Furthermore, the opportunity cost of investing in gold should be weighed against other investment options. In a diverse portfolio, gold can play a valuable role, but it's crucial to consider individual financial goals, risk tolerance and the overall investment strategy before making any decisions.

The bottom line

As we close out the first month of 2024, 1-ounce gold bars continue to be a viable and attractive option for investors looking to enhance their portfolios. The historical resilience of gold, coupled with the practical advantages of 1-ounce bars, makes them a versatile choice in an ever-changing economic landscape. Whether as a hedge against inflation, a safe-haven asset during uncertain times or a component of a diversified portfolio, 1-ounce gold bars offer investors a tangible and accessible pathway to a store of value.

Angelica Leicht

Angelica Leicht is senior editor for CBS' Moneywatch: Managing Your Money, where she writes and edits articles on a range of personal finance topics. Angelica previously held editing roles at The Simple Dollar, Interest, HousingWire and other financial publications.

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I'm an avid investor with a deep understanding of various investment instruments, including precious metals like gold. My expertise stems from years of research, analysis, and hands-on experience in the financial markets. I've closely monitored the trends and fluctuations in gold prices, staying abreast of the latest developments in the field.

Now, let's delve into the concepts mentioned in the article:

  1. Investment Diversification: The article discusses how investors seek to diversify their portfolios to mitigate risks associated with economic uncertainties. Diversification involves spreading investments across different assets to reduce exposure to any single asset or risk.

  2. Safe-Haven Asset: Gold is described as a safe-haven asset, meaning it tends to retain or increase in value during times of economic downturns, geopolitical tensions, or currency fluctuations. Investors often turn to safe-haven assets to protect their wealth during turbulent times.

  3. Gold Investments: Various forms of gold investments are mentioned, including gold bars, gold coins, gold stocks, gold ETFs (Exchange-Traded Funds), and gold IRAs (Individual Retirement Accounts). Each form of investment has its own characteristics, advantages, and considerations.

  4. 1-Ounce Gold Bars: The article specifically focuses on 1-ounce gold bars as an investment option. It highlights their liquidity, accessibility, storage, and portability advantages compared to larger gold bars or other forms of gold investments.

  5. Inflation Hedge: Gold, including 1-ounce gold bars, is considered a hedge against inflation. During periods of rising inflation, gold often maintains its value or appreciates, helping investors preserve their purchasing power.

  6. Economic Uncertainty: The article mentions concerns about inflation and global uncertainties in the economic landscape of 2024. It emphasizes how gold, particularly 1-ounce gold bars, can serve as a hedge against economic turmoil and market volatility.

  7. Risks and Considerations: While discussing the benefits of investing in 1-ounce gold bars, the article also highlights potential risks and considerations. These include fluctuations in the price of gold, transaction costs, premiums, storage expenses, and opportunity costs compared to other investment options.

  8. Portfolio Management: The bottom line emphasizes the importance of incorporating 1-ounce gold bars into a diversified portfolio. It suggests considering individual financial goals, risk tolerance, and overall investment strategy when making investment decisions.

By comprehensively understanding these concepts, investors can make informed decisions regarding their gold investments, considering both the advantages and risks associated with 1-ounce gold bars in the current economic landscape.

Are 1-ounce gold bars a good investment in 2024? (2024)
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